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  • Kathy Murray Reynolds

Greenwood 1907

In 1907, it seems that the townspeople, or maybe just the reporter, had a fixation on the financial side of the happenings in good ol' Greenwood.

If you ever wanted to know who and when anyone stepped foot in or out of Greenwood, where they were going and for what purpose, the Greenwood News section of the Canisteo or Whitesville paper is for you. Ladies taking a trip to Hornell for shopping, we got it. Salesmen in town, we got that too. Check it out at

Did you know that Steuben County had held Greenwood's payment for the NYP track purchase for ten years? Well, the town supervisor in 1907, WO Slocum, was able to collect Greenwood's share of $524.10.

Mr. Slocum also purchased two second hand boilers for RP Stephens to use as sluices. The cost, $158 and "are said to be cheap."

A couple of citizens, actually relatives, were in a heated battle. Fred Davis sued his sister Mary Webster for $15,000. He said it was his share of their sister Gertrude's estate, left to her by their father John Davis. WG Kellogg of Greenwood served as one of her attorneys. And, it noted that she contested her brother's claim. It was also noted that the estate of John Davis was one of the largest in the county until it was divided.

While not part of John Davis' original estate, Jay Armstrong, his grandparents lived next door to the Websters there on Main Street, has fond memories of visiting Clarence at the Webster house. It was and still is stately and sits between the Masonic Hall and the Armstrong house.

Jay here. I especially remember a painting of a young girl that hung over the fireplace in the living room.

The real estate market had a couple items as well. Adelbert Edward moved his family into the Wm H Campbell house in Rough and Ready. Anyone know which house this is or if it is still standing?

Tracy Drake of Troupsburg moved into the F Watkins house. Who is Tracy Drake? How long did he/she live in Greenwood? For that matter, who can tell me about F Watkins? Anyone?

A final entry, the misfortune or double misfortune, I guess, of Freeman Rogers. His prized horse died of heart failure after a four hour illness. And, in keeping with our theme of finances, "recently Mrs. Rogers refused to sell it for $500."

If you have any family or town retold history of 1907, please share.

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